Surface Plot - Regular Grid
A 3D surface is generated by associating a dependent variable value with each point
on a grid with constant spacing in each independent variable direction. The grid can be cartesian, polar, cylindrical, or defined
by parametric function coordinates (u, v). The plot can be defined analytically, based on entered/imported tabular data, or based
on data read in from a file. The surface colour can be a single colour or based on a colourmap. By default, the colourmap colour
displayed depends on surface height, but the option exists to use an arbitrary tabulated property to determine the colour associated
with a surface point. A texture map (i.e an image) can optionally be overlaid on the surface. Further options include: transparency,
contour display, general 3D transformation, wire frame display, features often only found in more expensive 3D graphing software.
Surface Plot - Irregular Data
A 3D surface is generated by associating a dependent variable value with each of a set
of points arbitrarily positioned in the independent variable plane. The plot can be defined analytically, or based on entered/imported
tabular data. The surface colour can be a single colour or based on a colourmap. By default, the colourmap colour displayed depends
on surface height, but the option exists to use an arbitrary tabulated property to determine the colour associated with a surface point.
Further options include: transparency, general 3D transformation, wire frame display.
Scatter Plot
Draws a symbol at each of a set of points in 3D space. The points can be defined in a cartesian, polar, or
cylindrical coordinate system. TeraPlot 3D graphing software also allows up to two additional variables to be associated with each scatter
point. These can then be visualised via the scatter point colour and/or size.
Isosurface Plot
Draws surfaces of constant w for functions of the form w = f(x, y, z), i.e. the 3d equivalent of contour plots.
The data from which the isosurfaces are generated can be defined as a formula (analytical plot), or loaded from a file. For an analytical plot,
the data is assumed to lie on a regular rectangular 3D grid. For data loaded from a file, the data can either lie on a regular grid, or
arbitrary individual cells can be specified.
Bars - Regular Grid
Draws a bar of height z at each of the plot's (x,y) points. The points are constrained to lie on a
rectangular grid with constant spacing in the x and y directions.
Bars - Irregular Data
Draws a bar of height z at each of a given curve's (x,y) points. The points can be arbitrarily
positioned in the (x, y) plane.
Series Plot
Joins the (x, y, z) points in a plot by straight lines to form a series of (x, z) or (y, z)
subcurves. The option exists to additionally draw a vertical sheet at each subcurve to produce a "waterfall" plot. The points are
constrained to lie on a rectangular grid with constant spacing in the x and y directions.
3D Line
Joins a set of points in 3D space by straight lines. The points can be defined in a cartesian, polar
(theta, phi or lat,lon), or cylindrical coordinate system.
Wireframe Plot
A 3D see-through wireframe surface is generated by associating a dependent variable value with each point on
a grid with constant spacing in each independent variable direction. The grid can be cartesian, polar, cylindrical, or defined by implicit
function coordinates (u, v).
Object Plot
Draws a set of 3D objects of predefined types. Current object types include sphere, cube and cylinder, The
objects are described by TeraPlot Object Description Language (GODL). The description can be loaded from a file or or entered interactively.
Mesh Plot
Draws a general 3D mesh defined as a set of vertices and elements read in from a file with data formatted in TeraPlot
native ascii format. Variables can be associated with the mesh vertices or elements, and the mesh colourmapped based on these variables.
The option also exists to load dxf files (FACE data only).
Text Plot
Draws a piece of text at each of a set of points in 3D space. The text plot is usually used along with
other plot types to provide annotation at specific points in a graph. The points can be defined in a cartesian, polar
(theta, phi or lat,lon), or cylindrical coordinate system.